The Traffic Lights of Fear and Anxiety

Is you pet in the green and good to go or showing warning signs that things are not quite as relaxed as they could be sitting somewhere in the middle  or is your pet in the red zone?

Unfortunately pets do not have the ability to talk and tell us how they feel. It is up to us to learn how to read their body language and what they may be trying to tell us.

It is especially important to be able to read when your pet is stressed or fearful so you can  remove them from a situation before it escualtes further or results in aggression.

Our Traffic Lights of Fear and Anxiety highlight the visual signs dogs show when experiencing different levels of anxiety or stress. Familiarise yourself with the signs so you can learn to read your dog’s body language.

  • The Pet Stress ScaleShowing no signs of fear or anxiety and able to listen, learn and think clearly
  • Relaxed body posture and facial expressions
  • Will take treats
  • Accepts pats
  • Shows interest in environment and people in it

  • The Pet Stress ScaleMay not always take treats
  • Body posture stiff
  • Looking away
  • Starting to show the first of the 4 F’s:
    • Fiddle signs
    • Licking lips
    • Yawning
    • Body shake
    • Sniffing
    • Mounting
    • Jumping
    • Pacing
    • Putting paw up
    • Teeth chattering
    • Barking
    • Hypervigilance - looking everywhere, very aware of their environment

  • The Pet Stress ScaleBody might be shaking
  • Posture very rigid
  • Face is tight - tight gum line, furrowed brow, staring eyes, ears down/back

Starting to show the other F’s

  • Freeze: May become stiff and do not move, they are frozen by fear
  • Flight: May constantly be moving away and trying to hide
  • Fight: May growl, bare teeth, snap, bite

If you are noticing your pet showing signs of stress frequently or at times when you think they shouldn’t be worried, then these may be early signs that your pet is not coping with the situation they are in and may be due to underlying anxiety.

Document when you notice these behaviours and do not hesitate to book an appointment to discuss with your Fur Life Vet.